Sunday, March 24, 2019

The ultimate weapon of mass destruction: The Democrats

The Mueller Report or "How we managed to survive the DC smoke and mirrors machine" has dropped...with a thud. All the media had their say late on Friday, totally bereft of any hard information whatsoever. It is amazing. To paraphrase Churchill, "never have so many said so much about so little" for over two years. We have witnessed the Left salivate from the starting gate in 2016 and nearly wet themselves when the thought of toppling the Kremlin puppet Donald Trumpski and his band of merry Cossacks danced in their heads. After all, THIS was going to be the smoking gun that would show once and for all that Donald J. was in bed with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (what a terrible image that is) and that an entirely new supermax prison would have to be built to hold all the indictees that Robert Mueller would finger for their Russianizing.

Mueller did snag a few smelt in the net he set for the big fish, but they were for what the Feds call, 'process crimes.' None of them had so much slurped a bowl of borscht. Their crimes were unrelated to Mueller's charge of uncovering Reds under the President's bed or in his campaign. Nyet. Empty handed there, though he did snare Paul (the Ukraine lover) Manafort and Roger (the dandy) Stone and George (but I'm innocent, I tell ya) Papadopoulos along with sixteen Russians who will never answer their subpeonas and leave their dachas to darken our doorstep. Double nyet.

Not all of us are waiting for something more. We're dead tired of all of this. The great Democrat weapon of mass destruction is not waiting, however. Democrat Congressman and Chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff of California is not waiting. Like the Blues Brothers, he's on a mission from God to show the world that the U.S.A. has been under bogus management for over two years by a direct descendent of Rasputin. HE will not let go no matter what stubborn facts stand in his way. And he is not alone. The Democrat villagers have their pitchforks and torches at the ready. If need be they will turn on Mr. Mueller and burn him at the stake in Lafayette Park as they scale the fence around the White House to capture the 'traitor-in-chief.'

If all this sounds a bit too dramatic, it's not. It is however, made for TV, and TV is where we've all viewed the sordid rollout of hanging-level information. We've been living in a drip, drip, drip world of selective leaks, political grandstanding, false accusations and media madness that started with the phony 'Steele Dossier' that the mainstream media bought, hook line and sinker along with their co-conspirators over at the Justice Department. What a sterling cast of thespians this play of fools has attracted! From the denizens of the Deep State, to the FBI to former intelligence agency bobbleheads masquerading as political commentators on MSNBC and CNN, the stage is literally packed. 

This scandal had everything, totally worthy of a 'Made in USA' label. Friends, when we scandal in America, we scandal BIG. After all, if you're going there you might as well rope in every gullible sap on the Left you can convince to carry the tainted water. Adam Schiff is busy humming Fagin's "I'm reviewing the situation" while he irons his white robe, dusts off his blindfold (the one with the see-through holes), sharpens up his sword and rigs his scales for his debut as Lady Justice, post Mueller report. He has already written the script for the Capitol Hill docudrama, 'Reds and Feds.' It is bold - Mount Olympus bold - and heroic. He's also made sure there are parts for his committee co-crusaders from California: Rep. Jackie Speier and Rep. Eric Swalwell and others.

Yes, America, there is a Santa Claus and he is Donald Trump. Without him there would be no presents under the Democrats' tree and no earthly reason for them to engage him in a pitched battle for the high ground using their most dangerous weapon of mass destruction - their arrogance-fueled animosity, their disregard for the good of the country and their Chatty Cathy flapping gums. Now that the pre-game entertainment of the Mueller Flying Circus is over, the real game can begin. God help us all.

Stephan Helgesen is a former career U.S. diplomat who lived and worked in thirty different countries, specializing in export promotion. He is now a political analyst and strategist and author of nine books and over 1,000 articles on politics, the economy and social trends. He can be reached at: or at his Republican Action Website

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