the Democrats are busy recruiting a million new voters to beat President Trump
in 2020 are Republicans living in a state of denial about America's ability to survive
the onslaught of challenges from the Left?
Those of us who know that anything is possible also know that even a country like ours that has withstood attacks from tyranny and terror cannot remain free if good men and women do not defend it from assaults from within. We cannot live our lives in an insulated protective cocoon, watching Lawrence Welk and reruns of old 1950s sitcoms, pretending that nothing could ever turn our proud country into a faint memory of greatness.
Democrats are convinced that the America of the past is nothing but an empty shell of make-believe and doesn't reflect reality, and that those of us that cling to its core values of honesty, hard work and patriotism are fools living in a fools' paradise. The political Left is also convinced that the only way to save our village is to destroy it, and they are dedicated to its destruction by attacking our institutions and values. What other reason could there be for constantly marginalizing conservative thought, infecting us with identity politics and accusing us of being racists with little or no sensitivity to the weakest in our society?
Their war against life in the womb and repeated attempts to 'help' us end our lives by assisted suicide are but two of their attempts to de-personalize human beings. Decriminalizing drugs is another of their pursuits. They hope to turn the issue of drug addiction on its head while ignoring the hundreds of thousands of people suffering death-by-pusher each year. Legalizing drugs is not the answer to stopping drug abuse. Their newest attack is leveled at our independent judiciary as several of their leaders are now suggesting that our Supreme Court be turned into a political body!
Our country barely survived the last Presidential election. Had the loser won she would have surely guaranteed the country a long but steady decline of our economy and a return to the nanny state of excessive government control. We came close, perilously close to losing our basic freedoms, but if you think that we 'dodged a bullet' for good, you are ignoring a sobering reality. The reality I speak of is the steady march of Progressivism. Progressives are like fire ants that have an insatiable appetite and when smelling a food source will do anything and sacrifice any of their number to reach it. Progressives' food source is power. However, unlike the fire ants that will stop once they reach the food source, Progressives won't. To them power is everything. It is not an end, but a means to achieve their objectives of total hegemony over everything that has made America the envy of the world.
Their journey is a perverse one. They insist on creating equality and a level playing field even if our biology cannot accommodate it. They do not understand one of the basic tenets of life...that while we are all created equal, we are not endowed with the same abilities or talents, and no matter what is done, some of us will fail. To ignore that fact is to ignore human nature. Progressives will not stop at trying to revise and rewrite our history. Now they want us to redress the wrongs of our ancestors by paying reparations to the descendents of slaves brought to this country 300 years ago. It is futile to argue with them about the merits of this and other issues because their standard response is that we are racists - bigots with original sin that can never be washed away. We Conservatives have only a few options at our disposal if we truly want to defend our liberties from a Progressive takeover in 2020. The first one is to wake up from our self-induced dream. The second is to channel the fervor of the Minutemen of the 18th century and push back...together.
Those of us who know that anything is possible also know that even a country like ours that has withstood attacks from tyranny and terror cannot remain free if good men and women do not defend it from assaults from within. We cannot live our lives in an insulated protective cocoon, watching Lawrence Welk and reruns of old 1950s sitcoms, pretending that nothing could ever turn our proud country into a faint memory of greatness.
Democrats are convinced that the America of the past is nothing but an empty shell of make-believe and doesn't reflect reality, and that those of us that cling to its core values of honesty, hard work and patriotism are fools living in a fools' paradise. The political Left is also convinced that the only way to save our village is to destroy it, and they are dedicated to its destruction by attacking our institutions and values. What other reason could there be for constantly marginalizing conservative thought, infecting us with identity politics and accusing us of being racists with little or no sensitivity to the weakest in our society?
Their war against life in the womb and repeated attempts to 'help' us end our lives by assisted suicide are but two of their attempts to de-personalize human beings. Decriminalizing drugs is another of their pursuits. They hope to turn the issue of drug addiction on its head while ignoring the hundreds of thousands of people suffering death-by-pusher each year. Legalizing drugs is not the answer to stopping drug abuse. Their newest attack is leveled at our independent judiciary as several of their leaders are now suggesting that our Supreme Court be turned into a political body!
Our country barely survived the last Presidential election. Had the loser won she would have surely guaranteed the country a long but steady decline of our economy and a return to the nanny state of excessive government control. We came close, perilously close to losing our basic freedoms, but if you think that we 'dodged a bullet' for good, you are ignoring a sobering reality. The reality I speak of is the steady march of Progressivism. Progressives are like fire ants that have an insatiable appetite and when smelling a food source will do anything and sacrifice any of their number to reach it. Progressives' food source is power. However, unlike the fire ants that will stop once they reach the food source, Progressives won't. To them power is everything. It is not an end, but a means to achieve their objectives of total hegemony over everything that has made America the envy of the world.
Their journey is a perverse one. They insist on creating equality and a level playing field even if our biology cannot accommodate it. They do not understand one of the basic tenets of life...that while we are all created equal, we are not endowed with the same abilities or talents, and no matter what is done, some of us will fail. To ignore that fact is to ignore human nature. Progressives will not stop at trying to revise and rewrite our history. Now they want us to redress the wrongs of our ancestors by paying reparations to the descendents of slaves brought to this country 300 years ago. It is futile to argue with them about the merits of this and other issues because their standard response is that we are racists - bigots with original sin that can never be washed away. We Conservatives have only a few options at our disposal if we truly want to defend our liberties from a Progressive takeover in 2020. The first one is to wake up from our self-induced dream. The second is to channel the fervor of the Minutemen of the 18th century and push back...together.
Helgesen is a former career U.S. diplomat who lived and worked in thirty
different countries, specializing in export promotion. He is now a political
analyst and strategist and author of nine books and over 1,000 articles on
politics, the economy and social trends. He can be reached at:
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