Sunday, February 26, 2017

Return of the Goths?

For many on the Left, President Trump is acting imperious, like a Caesar of the Roman Empire, governing by decree (Executive Order). They bemoan the loss of their society, the one that was carefully and skillfully constructed during the reign of Obama the First. They are also filled with rage at the prospect of living under 'Trumpian Rule' and determined to take back control.  On that note, the Democrats are meeting this weekend to elect their General (the head of the Democratic National Committee) who will, presumably, lead them into battle against the forces of the evil one, Donald Trump.

Like the ancient struggle between the Romans and the Goths (a Germanic tribe frequently referenced for their part in the fall of the Roman Empire), the Democrats are intent on waging all-out war to topple the regime and will use whichever tool and tactic they can to insure its defeat.

There may, indeed, be some similarities between the Goths and the Democrats. The Roman historian, Tacitus, said of the Goths (the parentheses are mine), "Their principal strength, on the whole, consists in their infantry (their organized grass roots): hence in an engagement these are intermixed with the cavalry (the media); so well accordant with the nature of equestrian combats is the agility of those foot soldiers, whom they select from the whole body of their youth (recruits from college campuses), and place in the front of the line (protestors). In the election of kings (candidates) they have regard to birth (political dynasties like the Clintons) for; in that of generals, to valor. Their kings have not an absolute or unlimited power (they defer to the Party platform); and their generals command less through the force of authority, than of example. If they are daring, adventurous, and conspicuous in action, they procure obedience from the admiration they inspire. The Germans transact no business, public or private, without being armed (with 'fake news' and rumor-mongering): but it is not customary for any person to assume arms till the state has approved his ability to use them."

There is no doubt, given their performance in the first thirty days of the Trump Presidency, that the Democrats will employ a variety of historically successful battlefield tactics and weapons to bring the Trump Administration to its knees. The first salvos of opposition have already been fired with a 'boycott' of the inauguration by 60 Democrat Congressional Representatives. Later, there have been systematic attempts to de-legitimize his Presidency by propagandizing ('Russiagate') and by delaying the vote on his cabinet appointees while their arrows, dipped in the poison of character assassination, were unleashed to destroy his cabinet choices. Then there is the third wave of attack, principally mounted by a fifth column of Obama-friendly government employees who are leaking classified information to the press, coupled with an onslaught of phony news stories by media zealots that see themselves as 'defenders of democracy' but whose actions resemble those of resistance fighters.

These are going to intensify with time as the Democrats' heavy artillery is moved into position. Unlike the Goths, they will employ a classical Roman approach. They will attempt to divide and separate Republicans' support for the President and then encircle them with their armies of foot soldier protestors, Congressional leaders and supporters from special interest organizations like women's and environmental groups, alternative lifestyle and immigration rights groups, etc.. Then, they will steadily close that circle and eventually disarm them. Finally, they will push for a national day of 'cleansing' - the impeachment - of President Donald J. Trump.

Before you say that is preposterous and cite Will Rogers' quote that, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat" or believe that the Party is not that circumspect, take the pulse of the liberal nation. Watch a CNN evening broadcast, read the Washington Post or the New York Times.

In ancient times, the Goths were thought to be nothing but barbarians. In the third century A.D., Historian Herman Wolfram described them that way, "Their language does not sound human, more like stammering and mere noise. (They) also speak diverse languages all at once or side by side, for in their eyes language is no criterion of tribal membership. Their religion is superstition, and though not actually pagan, it is hardly more than corrupted Christianity, heresy and worse. For barbarians can neither think nor act rationally; theological controversies are Greek to them. If a storm approaches, they fear the heavens are collapsing, give up any advantage they may have on the battlefield, and flee."

But the Goths did not flee or back down. They adapted and eventually sacked Rome.

While history is made one day at a time and visible for all to see, man inexplicably continues to prove his unwillingness or inability to learn from it. We should all remember the Ides of March and the threat to Democracy that exists from those who would subvert order to preserve it.

Stephan Helgesen is a retired U.S. diplomat, now author and political strategist. He has written over 600 articles and six books on politics, economics and social trends. He can be reached at

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