He's baaaack! (originally written Jan. 25, 2017)
Just when you thought that fascism, Nazis and Adolf Hitler
were resigned to the pages of history, you are mistaken. All are back in the
guise of talking points of the über Left which are being used to demonize
America's 45th President.
I can't help but think this Nazi (German abbreviation for
national socialism) revival is the brainchild of Hollywood and is their own special
contribution to the new war on Trump, and by extension, all conservatives. If
you remember the movie, 'Wag the dog,' the heroes were a rogue, presumably Democratic
Party, operative (Robert DeNiro) and a Hollywood movie producer (Dustin
Hoffman). Both collaborated to create a phony war to divert attention from a
philandering President (remind you of anyone from the nineties?).
Adolf Hitler's name used to be taboo much less used in comparisons
made to living people. The only two times in the recent past that I can recall they
were made was about Ugandan dictator, Idi Amin and then about the Iraqi
dictator, Saddam Hussein. These were horrible men, no doubt about it, and they certainly
earned their comparisons.
It seems that Hitler has been redeemed, like a celebrity
completing a six-month de-tox stint at a rehab center. The press has told
itself, "It's okay. Hitler's brutality has passed its expiration date. We
can now dust him off, prop him up and start talking about the similarities
between Der Führer and Der President." So the gloves have come off and
Hitler is now relevant again. I'm sure that the families and descendents of the
six million plus people that were brutally murdered in gas chambers all across
Europe in the 30s and 40s will be overjoyed to hear that the most despised man
in the 20th and 21st centuries has become gentrified. Glad, too, must be all
the German people that have spent the last seventy years trying to push Hitler
into the background.
No, he's back, also in TV shows like 'Hunting Hitler' where
a retired CIA operative and his staff of former Special Forces employees and
researchers have tracked the Chancellor's escape from his bunker in Berlin in
April of 1945 by airplane to Spain and then by submarine to Argentina and
finally overland to Chile. It seems the fascination with this truly satanic
individual has not abated over time, and until we find his mummified body
dressed as a lowly shepherd sitting on a Chilean mountainside we won't be
satisfied. There are even people who claim that he's still alive! Let's see,
that would make him 128 years old this coming April 20th. This propensity for
Hitler comparisons to our President has taken on a life of its own thanks to
the mainstream media and its lackeys. On
inauguration day, they (Chris Matthews and others) started by comparing the
President's patriotic call of,
"America first" in our dealings on trade and international affairs as
being, wait for it..."Hitlerian" and harkened back to his (Hitler's)
persecution of the Jews!
I was recently interviewed by a foreign radio station and my
American opponent (Chairman of the Democrats Abroad organization in that
country) was asked how he viewed the inauguration. He said he was profoundly
ashamed to be an American. He was then asked why to which he responded, "Because I saw a replay of Nazi
Germany of the 30s (the 'America First' quote) when Hitler was persecuting and
rounding up the Jews. It was horrifying." I was then asked what I thought
about the quote. I said that it was innocent enough and certainly not
reminiscent of something like, "Deutschland über alles" (Germany
above everything else). It was normal that any head of state would put his/her
people's welfare and well-being first, and that it was high time that an
American President admitted that we have national interests which we will
prioritize higher than someone else's.
Well, this explanation only inflamed my opponent, and he
began to ratchet up his argument by playing the 'personal card' by saying that
he was Jewish and that he took this suggestion to put America first as code for
a kind of return to Aryan supremacy and that his party was not going to stand
for it.
The interview ended, thankfully, before his head could
explode at the mere thought of four years of Donald Trump and before I lost my
patience with him. I'll admit, that that experience and the recent quotes from
Chris Matthews and others worry me. I'm more than a little concerned about the
future of compromise when one side of the aisle thinks that the other side is
sitting behind their desks wearing
armbands and sporting toothbrush moustaches...and is busy preparing a hostile
takeover of America.
To all those who are even thinking of comparing anyone in
America, let alone our 45th President, to Adolf Hitler, do yourself a favor and
read the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" or better yet I'll put
you in touch with a Jewish friend of mine who survived four concentration camps
during WWII and whose story I told in a book entitled, "My name is
Aron." He'll set you straight about the differences between the two men.
Stephan Helgesen is a retired diplomat and now
political strategist and author. He has written six books and over 600 articles
on topics ranging from politics to economics to social trends. He can be
reached at: stephan@stephanhelgesen.com
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