Sunday, April 21, 2019

Down on your knees

It's time. I want you to fall to your knees and beg me, the rest of America AND the President of the United States for forgiveness. Your actions during the last two years have been despicable and worthy of our scorn and public humiliation. You know who you are. You could be any one of the 65 million people who voted for a person who really should be the subject of investigation. You are most certainly, former intelligence agency officials like John Brennan and James Clapper. You are Congressmen and women like Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Al Green and Maxine Waters who have accused the President of committing high crimes like treason.

You are CNN, MSNBC, and the three major TV networks and your co-conspirator hatchet men and women that waged a vicious vendetta against the President all because they hated him and disagreed with his politics. You should be ashamed of yourselves. And so should the anti-Trump newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times (among others) that gleefully wrapped this false accusation garbage up like some sort of rotting carp between their pages. Add to that, the Left-wing political pundits that happily wrote columns and appeared on television denouncing the President as some sort of Russian collaborator. They deserve to be publicly flogged in the pages of their own papers and on the screens they abused. As I said, you are all despicable, and it is you that should bear the 'Scarlet Letter' of 'L' for liar and have it imprinted on the crawler on the bottom of the TV screen and at the top of your columns so that all know you are nothing but a flock of partisan vultures.

You and your ilk of rabid, like-minded Trump-haters have forced our country to endure a totally unnecessary, painful and costly exercise. You have thrown $25 million of our money down a rat hole while you spewed your venom out through the airwaves. History will record your names as being part of a political lynch mob like Joe McCarthy's, all designed to bring down a President you just didn't like. Your narcissism and self-interest know no bounds. Your actions have been fascist and your hatred is approaching psychotic proportions.

You care nothing about the America that 62 million Americans voted to resuscitate in 2016. You are only concerned about protecting your Progressive/Liberal pipe dreams in which human nature and common sense are replaced by the tooth fairy and exaggerated idealism. Your disdain of our laws and total disregard for the sovereignty of our borders are reprehensible. When you look the other way and allow vicious crimes like drug running, child smuggling and prostitution to flourish because you won't admit that fences and borders make better neighbors, you are thumbing your nose at our Constitution and are dismissing the sacrifice of millions of lives that have been offered up to protect it well over two centuries.   

I have no sympathy for you, and I can guarantee that your brand of fair play will never replace that we've worked to protect over the years. You are an aberration, an anomaly and are not 'the people' that are mentioned in the preamble to our Constitution. You are the colonialist British that kept 18th century Americans subjugated by force and by fear. Your America will never take the place of the America we have become through many trials and tribulations. While you may have delivered our system a body blow, you most certainly have not destroyed our resolve and our faith in the true promise of our country. Make no mistake, we will fight you and call attention to your duplicity - every time we see it rear its ugly head. Now it is your turn to be on the defensive. We'll see how you like it.

Stephan Helgesen is a former career U.S. diplomat who lived and worked in thirty different countries, specializing in export promotion. He is now a political analyst and strategist and author of nine books and over 1,000 articles on politics, the economy and social trends. He can be reached at:

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